Express your love and admiration for someone special with a personalized commissioned original work of poetic artistry by one of our professional poets. Each poem is beautifully framed for display on either a wall, tabletop or mantle. Each commissioned work will bear the recipient's name, occasion, date, and giver's name in a commission statement beneath the poem. As a special touch, each poem comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Cost: $185.00 (plus tax & shipping)
*No commissioned work will appear in an anthology written, created, produced, or published by Poetic Impressions or any Poetic Impressions team member without the express written consent of the person by whom or for whom the work is commissioned.
Your Thoughts + Your Feelings + Our Poets = A Timeless Treasure!
Express your love and admiration for someone special with a specialized original work of poetic artistry by one of our professional poets. Each poem is beautifully framed for display on either a wall, tabletop or mantle.
Cost: $75.00 (plus tax & shipping)
*Noncommissioned works may appear in an anthology written, created, produced, or published by Poetic Impressions or a subsidiary of Poetic Impressions without the consent the purchaser, written or otherwise.
Share your love for a lifetime of reflection.
"Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn." - Thomas Gray (English Poet, 1716-1771)